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Drinking water storage, transfer and distribution solutions

The mobile water purification and desalination system, Galmobile, adapts to different alternatives for the storage, transfer and distribution of the liquid it purifies, and easily expands its capacity and coverage, depending on the needs.

Alternatives to increase the potential of Galmobile

Governments, institutions or organizations that lead the process of making water drinkable through the Galmobile system, for remote communities or with difficulty to access the liquid, can acquire and adapt these solutions that help prevent diseases, as well as improve and dignify the quality of life of the most disadvantaged.

Scalable options


Plastic bucket

Ideal for its practicality to transport liquid over short distances. Stores and holds up to 5 gallons. It fits in any space or vehicle.


Folding bag

It is practical and compact. It has a sturdy cover and capped spout that makes it easy to fill. Carries and stores up to 6 gallons.

Tanque cuadrado con refuerzo metálico

Square tank with metal reinforcement

It is stackable and easy to transport. Stores up to 265 gallons. It is made of polyethylene, very resistant and durable due to its metallic reinforcement.

tanque cisterna

Tanker tank with trailer

Made of high-density polyethylene. For its one or two axle trailer it has the capacity to transport and store from 100 to 700 gallons.


Tanker truck

Tanker tank made of steel on a 1 or 2 axle vehicle. It has the capacity to hold up to 5,000 gallons of water. It is equipped with a pump motor and high flow nozzle with flow control. It is versatile due to its autonomy for transport and distribution operations.

tanque botella

Bottle tank

Its storage capacity ranges from 150 to 2,700 gallons. It has an antibacterial coating and an insulating layer of solar rays, it is very resistant and durable.

bolsa flexible

Flexible bag

Made of canvas. It adapts easily to any kind of surface. Ideal for emergency situations. It resists high temperatures, is lightweight, foldable and easy to carry. Stores up to 2,640 gallons.

tanque modular

Modular tank

Panel system made of unsaturated polyester resin. It is lightweight and because it is modular, it is easy to carry anywhere and is very practical to assemble. Its storage capacity is high and varies according to needs. It is durable, easy to clean and very resistant to high temperatures. Include that if there is damage such as modular, the part can be easily replaced.

tanque fijo modular

Horizontal fixed tank

Its structure is reinforced. It has the capacity to store up to 20 thousand gallons. Ideal for communities of over 1,500 people. High impact resistance. Easy to year and to install. Made of 3-layer polyethylene, protected against the action of ultraviolet rays.

Sistema de acueducto básico 1

Basic aqueduct system

Construction of an aqueduct system, provided with a fixed tank on the ground in natural elevation, with storage capacity according to consumer demand and a network of underground pipes in PVC material for the distribution of water by gravity to the household connections.

Sistema de acueducto básico con pozo de extracción 1

Basic aqueduct system with extraction well

Location of underground aquifer with excavation and construction of deep well in places where there are no surface sources of water. Reservoir for purification if the depth is greater than 45 meters. Construction of a concrete tower for an elevated storage tank, with capacity according to consumer demand. Design and construction of an aqueduct system provided with a network of underground pipes in PVC material, for the distribution of water by gravity to household connections.